I think she's pregnant.. wait.. its not think.. I AM SURE SHE IS PREGNANT!!
and.. I am sure its Nebu's baby..(ofc).. oh god.. This is not going to be good
How I know that Fufu is pregnant:
FIRST: Her belly is big. ok you might think she eat alot, well she is. but its not just big it is hard!
SECOND: Her nipples is big and hard as well!
THIRD: uhmm.. no third lol
Why is it not good?
FIRST: Nebu is her dad and Nebu will be fufu's baby dad!! as you know.. its not good and they will have 'not perfect kitten'
SECOND: Fufu is only 9 months old!!
I heard female cat allowed to mate when they are at least 12-24 months
and if they still do it before their age..
their child might born die..
or born fine and then they die..
or born and become not perfect child..
or born and mommy didnt nurse because mommy didnt understand yet cause of the young age issue
the point is.. I hope everything will be fine with fufu.
Please pray >_<
Wow! Nebu is a big sac of hormones (or horniness)!
BalasHapusI read once that cats get fertile at the age of 10 months. are you sure she's not just fat? Try feeling her tummy and see if you sense any movement, I loved laying my head on my cats' tummies and feel their babies moving around..
yes T^T i didnt try it yet but i will. I hope shes not pregnant but Im sure she is.. because her belly is getting bigger everyday T^T thanks for comment
HapusHey dear I really like your blog! What about following each other? Also on bloglovin, facebook and even lookbook if you want...just let me know :3 <3
BalasHapusNEW POST UP!
god.. we already follow each other. i dont want to be rude but I HATE spam comment.. -_-'
BalasHapusthanks :)
Hapushay, of course we can follow ;)
BalasHapusfollow back.
thanks :)
HapusThanks doll! Following back :)
thanks :)
HapusHey sweety! Thanks for stopping by! Sure! Following you via gfc and facebook! Follow me back! Let me know! Stop by me soon! xx
BalasHapusWith love ♥.
very nice!!! thanks for sharing
BalasHapusγραφειο τελετων
grafeio teleton
grafeio teleton kariotakis/
thanks fr visit ^^
HapusCongratulations on your cat's pregnancy. If you really want to be sure she's pregnant, you could take her to the vet. If she is pregnant, I hope that Fufu and her kittens survive. What will you do with the kittens once they are born?
BalasHapusyeah i dont want to spend money for vet. i am now very sure that shes pregnant hahaha i think i will sell them since i have many cats.. also i need new laptop lol thanks for nice comment!!
HapusJust out of curiousity, how much will you sell the kittens for? I live in Australia so I can't buy one. Have you thought about desexing your cats? I have two cats but they can't have babies because they have been desexed.
Hapuswell it depends but i think it will be around $40 to $100 but im more worry about the babies condition since its fufu and nebu's babies..
Hapusyes i thought. one of my cat, leshii did it. it takes $50 to do it.. its not little money so nebu have to wait..
Teneri (; Reb, xoxo.
BalasHapus*Nuovo post dedicato a un video outfit sul mio blog,
fammi sapere cosa ne pensi (: eccoti il link:
thanks :)
HapusI hope anything will be alright with your cat!
thank you!! i hope so :)
Hapusof course following u now
BalasHapuslove cats!!!! kisses♥♥
omg- your cats are so cute. i am also a big cat lover.
BalasHapusi have five.
kisses & hugs
maren anita
yay!! high five xD
HapusThey are just so cute!
BalasHapusthanks :)
Hapusamazing! I love cats :)
BalasHapusthanks :)
Hapushaha they're cute !
BalasHapusxD they are. thanks
Hapusyampuun si fufu masih 9 bulan... Aku juga dulu boleh ngawinin kucingku kalo udah setahunan sih... tapi untung gapapa ya...
BalasHapusEh, dulu salah satu siamku (Kirin) kawin lho sama bapaknya. Jadi, ceritanya aku dulu beli si Kirin ini di suatu cats breeding gitu (punya temen papaku). Nah, pada suatu hari kata papaku si kirin ini udah saatnya kawin (kayaknya dia lagi puber gitu, 'birahi'nya keluar gitulah istilahnya, dia jadi lebih gelisah usianya emnag udah setahun lebih). Akhirnya, dia di-inapkan di temen papaku, pas ditanya mau dikawini sama siapa, katanya sama bapaknya dulu! Waduh, kita kan takut ya anaknya jadi cacat atau kualitasnya jadi gak bagus... (kayak incest pada manusia gitu) Eh... ternyata katanya enggak masalah tuh.... hohoo... berarti yg bisa incest itu emang cuma hewan... :p
iya >.< baru 9 bulan. itu pure accident. ya salahnya kita juga sih. soalnya di nggak disuntik KB T_T
Hapushahahah trs anaknya lahir cacat ga?
klo fufu anaknya yg pertama lahir itu cacat. sampai ga ada tangannya T_T..
Yampuunn.... Alhamdulillah kucing2ku gak ada yg lahir cacat.... Duh ngeri banget deh ya incest gitu... Tapi dulu dibolehin aja sama cat breedernya waktu si kirin kawin... mungkin ada sarat2nya kali kalau mau incest ahaha... tau deh, udah lupa juga sama dunia perkucingan... tapi ini ngingetin banget kenangan2 masa kecil, love it lah... :*
Hapusiya kok boleh ya? xD sama dokter hewannya mereka, dia bilang nggak boleh. soalnya udah sering kejadian cacat >.< untung anaknya fufu yg cacat itu langsung mati. kasihan kn klo cacat gt trs hidup >.<
HapusIya setahuku emang incest itu juga gak boleh... apalagi buat ngawinin kucing ras... kita juga kaget kan ngeri kenapa2, cuma ya kita iya2 aja... nyerahin sama yg ngerti... Biasanya klo anak kucing yg cacat ntar dibunuh sama ibunya trus dimakan... ngeri yak?? gak pernah ngalamin sih, cuma denger2 sama yg melihara kucing juga...
Hapusiya nggak bayangin fufu bkl makan anaknya >.< untung aja yg cacat itu nggak dimakan..