Hello, Long time no post...
Do you know???
Merci and Fufu are pregnant now??
Now you know..
That's all I want to share ;)
Bonus Photos
Pino and Leshii relaxing~ |
I know this expression~ Merci~ |
Nebu lol |
Nebu and Fufu relaxing~ |
I don't want to see a comment teach me about my cat wear leash. Cause I got many comments about it in here and other social media. I explain enough to many people already and I don't want to explain again and again. He is MY CAT, He is NOT your cat and he is NOT your teacher's cat lol. HE IS MINE. I LOVE him. I know what best for HIM. I know and I give. So please don't teach me..
To make you understand why he's wearing leash. I will explain, Hopefully will be my last..
when Nebu was 1 years old (he is 2 years old now) I walked him WITHOUT leash. He was happy. We were happy. I let him walk free.
One day.. when my mom was walking with nebu, Nebu suddenly crossing the road and this car was ALMOST hit him, thank God the driver stop at the right time. The car was right in front of him. You have no idea how scared Nebu was.. You weren't there.
Since then Nebu is too scared to be close to people until NOW. if there is people come to our house, he will run and hide under the bed. But He really wants to walk outside plus the vet also suggest it to us. So we used leash. We can walk with him and wouldn't worry if anything bad happen.
I NEVER force him to walk. I teach him to wear this since he was little. So he knew where to go. He is a smart cat.
For more information, Nebu is an adult cat, He is 2 years old and He is a MALE cat (for you who didn't know, male cat is fussier. just like us human, female always more clam, thats why in the pic, you will see Fufu without leash) He wants to fight with all the males in our neighborhood. For real.. Do you know why he wants to walk? He's looking stray cats.. and if he found it, He will run to them and I can imagine what would happen after I heard his arrrghhh voice..
I saw this Persian cat, Pablo. He's walking around, he eat garbage, I saw him and ofc he's so dirty now..
I don't know how your neighbor. but in here, people can steal your cat. They might sell it cause you can get good money from selling cat here or they might make him their own pet or even worse eat cat.. >_> I knew cause someone who saw it told me about it.
and after all those reasons above, I should let my cat walk free?? O_O.. I'm sorry I still love my cats..
and then you will say, "then let him stay in the house. don't let him walk outside.."
please..that's what I want if I can.. you think it's an easy job to walk with him everyday?
Nebu, he's so fussy for real. He will meow meow if we didn't let him outside. I can take his meow meow, no problem. I have 5 cats, I deal with all of their meow meow everyday.. but Nebu if he didn't get what he wants. He pee.. He will pee your bed if we told him to stay in the room.. He will pee your sofa if you told him to stay in the house. He PEE! See~ my cat is smart, he found his way, he got what he wants lol
He can pee poo in litter box, he just did it on purpose. if he wants to relaxing in our backyard but we close the door, he will scrath his litter box, if we didn't care, he will scrath harder so you can hear the sound all over the house.. @_@ and if you still didn't care he will come to you and meow meow you "let me go outside"....
So I'm sorry if I sound rude to you.. I just don't like people teach me how to treat my cat. I got enough of this comment.
I live with him for 2 years and I care about his happiness. You just know him from.. what? photos I show you? then you became a smartass?
sooo cuteeeee >...<
BalasHapusmakasih ;)
Hapuscherry kucingku juga gitu, kalo dilepas malah tambah nakal, dy juga suka bgt main ke sebelah sawah, blm lagi kenakalannya klo dy naek ke atap, haduuhh bikin sakit kepala n gregetan, si jasmine (anaknya) jg suka ngompol, klo liad kasur pasti diompolin *kesel bgt akhirny g perna q bw ke kamar q lg, si bobby sama sammy jg suka bgt ngecrat-ngecrit, kucing" q cm q taru di balkon aja biar kena matahari, selebih itu di kandang, sabar y mba, sgala sesuatu mmg ada + dan - nya
Hapushehehe masalahnya sama aja ya ternyata xD kucingnya jantan ya :D namanya mirip ama tokoh supernatural hahaha xD
Hapusku sih gpp klo mereka nakal. malah klo dia nakal2 gt kita malah ketawain hehehe yg ku nggak senengi itu klo orang2 pada sok tw. sok sok ngajarin padahal nggak ngerti apa2 @_@
itu si sammy sama jasmine cewek, heranny meski cewe suka ngompol n nge crit jg >.< si bobby malah ud jarang nge crit, kata mama q mungkin krn g perna kawin (si sammy ud di steril soalny) klo si jasmine sm cherry cm dikasi kb, kasi kb aja mba klo g mw hamil, soalny repot bgt y klo ud hamil, dulu aq ampe begadang nungguin si cherry melahirkan
Hapusbetul itu, yg tw yg terbaik utk kucing kt kan kita, orang kt yg ngurus dy
ohh bisa ya o.o anaknya si cherry emang ada brp?
Hapusaku juga dulu rencananya mw kasih kb tp katanya jangan di kb soalnya kb itu bisa buat dia sakit, ada malah kejadian kucing keluar nanahnya dari vagina plus ada yg sampai mati..
klo punya rejeki sih mw steril nebu ama pino. klo yg cewek2 bisa nunggu nanti2 sterilnya yg penting jantannya dulu >.<
hihi hamil lagi...
BalasHapusiya, emang ada beberapa kucing yang hiperaktif banget sampe harus dipakein tali... emang semua kembali ke kondisi dan karakter masing2 kucingnya... :D
Selamat ya merci dan nebu, hohoho...
hehehe iya hamil terus xD mw ku steril si nebu tp kok mahal. sek ngumpulin uang xD klo nebu di steril si pino juga hrs steril soalnya xD
Hapusiya, makanya tuh orang2 yg nggak ngerti pada sotoy sih. dikiranya aku nyiksa hewanku dengan makein tali gini.. -_-'.. padahal mereka nggak ngerti karakternya nebu gmn.
sabarr sabbbaaarrrr
BalasHapusNebu ini ada ada saja hahaha..
hehehe iya nih harus sabar lagi puasa lol
Hapusthey look so funny :)) i love the white one :)
BalasHapusblog she.is.the.one
thank you dear ;)